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Welcome to Doc Express® registration

The Infotech® Doc Express service is a paperless contracting service that provides a secure digital filing cabinet and document exchange service specifically created to meet the needs of the construction industry.

With the Doc Express service, you can easily access and exchange electronic contract documents with project stakeholders and business partners. You can also exchange material certifications, test results and more in real time from any computer without the hassle of an FTP site. The service allows you to store documents for the life of a project and beyond, and maintain an online audit trail.

Doc Express service features
  • Hosted, web-based service
  • No VPN or FTP required - supports internal and external project needs
  • Easy to implement, intuitive to use
  • Searchable archives, convenient at audit or claim time
  • Standardized process/location for documents
  • Email notification of document status
  • Electronic signatures
  • Daily back-ups
  • 99% uptime
  • Filtering/sorting for all docs
  • Built-in security
  • Storage for up to 7 years after notice to proceed
  • Read-only access for stakeholders
Doc Express service benefits
  • Makes paperless contracting a reality
  • Real-time access to documents by all stakeholders
  • Better communication
  • Less paper, fewer copies
  • Reduced delays with payments when finalizing a project and at audit time
  • Contractors submit once
  • Accountability is easy - just view the activity log
  • Improved client and project stakeholder responsiveness
  • Always know the status of document and if it was submitted
